Monday, August 17, 2009

Ngerjain Diera :DDDD

Jadi gw, nadia, miska am diera tu duduk barengg, kya bikin lingkaran gitu .. so here's our conversation:

Diera: Eh, hr in ga bljr kan?
Miska: Kt g bljr kcuali yg ikt peljrn intensif
Diera: Ohh
Miska: eh, tp kn hr ini lo ikt? bawa bukunya?
Diera: lho?! gw ga d ksh tau tu ..
Miska: jdi tu kmrn t pas l udh plng ad pengumumannya
Diera: ihh, gw gatau
(Diera udh sdh gt kaya mau nangis .. huhu)
Gw: Udh blng aj l gatau
Miska: Pak ucok kn ga prnh terima alesan
Gw: Oh iy ya, gmn dong dier?
Diera: tp kan emg gw gatau, gw gadapet surat mis
Miska: ih beneran kmrn t gw d ksh tau pak ucok
Diera: (dengan mata berkaca-kca) ih miska gw kan gatau

diem sbntr (diera tetep ngeles)

tba2 miska bisikn gw "dia percaya aja kan gw cm boong"
dlm ht gw blng: bkn cm diera yg prcya TP GW JG <-- sumpah gw tu awalny 100% percaya am omongannya miska en ga ad prasaan kl miska t boong

nah dah gt gw bisikin lg k nadia "miska cm boon"
trus nadia ktawa geje gitu :D

trus si diera udh mulai nyadar gt, smbl senyum senyum dia bilang
Diera: Eh lo boong ya ama gw
Miska: engga, gw serius ga boong
Diera: ah lo boong am gw, ah males ah a, lo (masang muka pura2 bete)
Miska: eh yayayaya jgn marah dong :DD

ha ha, THE END

Photos of diera and miska

Miska Raihana 7D

Diera Diamantha 7D


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Waterbom Voucher ala Dita

kalo yang ini model promosi voucher waterbom, wkwk peace yo dit :D

this is Dita, Didi, and Ila, otw to Waterbom PIK

Vacation 2009 (Singapore)

McD at Takashimaya

HIPPO TOUR, yg diatas berangin bgt, kalo gakpake kcmt merem mulu, hehe

Well, ini namanya Clark Quay, tmpt mkn gt

2009 Vacation (Bintan)

ini itu pemandangan villa di bintan, jd kn gw brngkt ksn rame2, yaa 19 org, trus kt nyewa rumah + private pool + free buggy (Y)

kalo yg ini pemandangan pantainya, bagus yaaa

Ini itu lagi main kartu, the night before we leave Bintan

my edited photos

lookie lookie

these are my edited photos .. check this out -->

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Panic Spilts

U-know-what, gw jg sempet kaget pas denger this news .. GOSH! Panic! at the disco splits, what the heck is that, btw, check this out!:
Rock act Panic At the Disco have lost two of their members, guitarist Ryan Ross and bassist Jon Walker. Through a formal announcement on the band's official site, Ryan and Jon said they are leaving the band in order to "embark on a musical excursion of their own".

"Though the four of us have made music together in the past, we've creatively evolved in different directions which has compromised what each of us want to personally achieve," the statement is read. "Over the years, we have remained close and honest with each other, which helped us to realize that our goals were different and that parting ways is truly what is best for each of us. We are all excited for the future, you should be too."

The remaining members, lead vocal Brendon Urie and drummer Spencer Smith, will continue under Panic At the Disco. They have also released a statement regarding the split, writing "It's been an amazing journey being in a band with them, but sometimes individual tastes take friends in different directions and you can't ignore it. They are some of the most talented guys we know, and we're sure that whatever they do next will be great."

Brendon and Spencer said further that they will commence the work of the third album and still embark on a tour with Blink-182 and No Doubt as scheduled. "We know everybody has a lot of questions at this point with everything being so out of the blue, most of those should be answered in the coming weeks. We appreciate every one of you, and hope you continue with us on this incredible ride," they ended the post. The tour is to begin on August 8 in San Diego.
