Saturday, April 4, 2009

I <3 Vierra

Dulu pee wee gaskins sekarang vierra,,

pee wee gaskins lagunya aneh smua tp kocak! kl vierra itu lagunya jelas, enak didenger, trus gmpng dingertiin nyaa,, thanks to Kevin Aprillio lagu lo bagus bgt!! we <3 it! Widy juga suaranya lembut abs, jd kya lullabay gtu! tp c widy tu bs scream pas dy nyanyi am Killing me Inside.. watch ">

one of vierra's song yang gw suka...


You will never find another me
You wil never had another story
Knowing that you're there
I'll try to find you
Knowing that you're here
I won't let you go

Can't you see that I
got trapped in your eyes
Can't you see that I
got trapped in your heart
Knowing that you're there
I'll try to find you
Knowing that you're here
I won't let you go

W o o o.. it's getting dark here
W o o o.. right now
W o o o.. I need you tonight tonight

Tell you that I will never leave
Tell you that I will kiss you know
Turning back nooo
Turn you back nooo

Can't you see that I
got trapped in your eyes
Can't you see that I
got trapped in your heart
Knowing that you're there
I'll try to find you
Knowing that you're here
I won't let you go

W o o o.. it's getting dark here
W o o o.. right now
W o o o.. I need you tonight tonight


You said yo would try to keep me
You said we will last forever
You said all thoose things to calm me down
